Vision Statement
A renewed commitment to preserving an Indian child’s family, culture, and connection to their People.
Mission Statement
The Second Judicial District Court’s ICWA Court is committed to ensuring that Indian families and their tribes are benefitting from the protections of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and the Indian Family Protection Act (IFPA) and the New Mexico Children’s Code. Stakeholders commit to working with Indian families in the abuse and neglect system to achieve better outcomes for these families.
Led by Presiding Judge Catherine Begaye.
Program Overview
The ICWA Court is the first of its kind in New Mexico and is the result of efforts by the New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department (CYFD), by the Second Judicial District Court, and by local tribes to apply the law to protect Indian children and their families. This Court strives to honor and comply with the spirit of the law that protects Indian families and provides a forum where collaboration under the Indian Child Welfare Act, along with the Indian Family Protection Act can occur in a supportive and welcoming environment. Our goal is to actively engage and partner with parents, children, tribal representatives, and stakeholders involved in an abuse or neglect petition.
John E. Brown Juvenile Justice Center
5100 Second St. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Contact Information
ICWA Court Program Manager
Megan Gonzales
ICWA Court Administrative Assistant
Veronica Ortega
Phone: 505-841-7354
Attorneys and tribal partners can file pleadings for pending ICWA Court cases in Bernalillo County to the following email address:
Clerk’s Office: 505-841-5906
Children, Youth and Families Department, Protective Services Division: 1-855-333-7233 or #SAFE from a cell phone