Example 1:

The court order you may receive or similar – “All parties and counsel shall appear via Google Meet for this hearing through the link meet.goole.com/jus-tane-xamp. If parties or counsel are unable to appear via Google Meet, then they may appear telephonically by calling call +1 (111) 222-3333 PIN: 111 222 333# but shall notify the Judge’s staff that they will be appearing telephonically and counsel shall make every effort to appear via video.”

Example 2:

The court order you may receive or similar – “You will be appearing for your hearing Via ZOOM. You shall appear 5 minutes early and must make sure you are in a quiet location, where you can have a video running without distraction. Practice using the video and keep the video stable throughout the hearing.”

“You shall use the Meeting ID and Passcode, or scan the QR Code below to connect to hte ZOOM virtual hearing room. The Zoom app is available on smartphone, PC, or Mac, free from the app store.”

Meeting ID: 111 2222 3333
Passcode: 444444