This information is for jurors who have been summoned for a three-week term of petit jury service. If you have been summoned for a 3-month term of service, please see Grand Jury Duty Information.

After you have received your summons, please submit your qualification and questionnaire forms through the juror portal. The juror portal can be accessed here. Once you have completed your forms online, you may be asked to report to the court for jury selection at any point within the service dates listed on your summons. This DOES NOT mean that you will necessarily need to report every day for the full 3 weeks.

The jury division will contact you 2 days in advance of needing you to report via email or telephone. We will also update the juror portal with reporting information 2 days in advance of needing you. If you check the juror portal, “On Call” means that you are currently not needed to report and “Reporting” means that you are needed to report on the date listed. Some jurors will also receive a supplemental questionnaire to aid in efficient jury selection for larger cases that will be sent via email or mail. Please complete any supplemental questionnaire sent to you by the due date listed on the questionnaire.

Please also take a few moments to watch the Petit Jury Information Video.


When reporting for jury selection, you WILL NOT be allowed to bring your cell phone or other electronic devices like laptops, tablets, etc. Please leave these devices in your car or at home. Jury Selection typically lasts 3 to 5 hours but can last as late as 5 p.m.

When you have been instructed to report, please report on time and remember to park at the METRO PARK GARAGE. It’s located just north of Metropolitan Court, with an entrance from 5th Street. Going north from Lomas on 5th Street, follow the big yellow signs for juror parking. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PARKING TICKET IN YOUR CAR. You must bring it with you in order to have it validated.

Thank you.