Legal Issues
Adult Protective Services
Statewide: 866-654-3219 or 505-476-4912
Albuquerque: 505-841-4569
Children Youth & Families Department
Statewide: 800-797-3260
Albuquerque: 505-841-6100
Child Abuse Hotline
Phone: 1-855-333-SAFE (7233)
Cell Phone: #SAFE
Children’s Court, John E. Brown Juvenile Justice Center
5100 Second St. NW
Phone: 505-841-5906 or 505-841-7366
Criminal cases involving juvenile defendants, delinquency proceedings, adoptions, termination of parental rights, abuse and neglect, emancipation of a minor.
Children’s Court Page
NM Kids Matter/Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Albuquerque: 505-903-0305
Office of Family Representation and Advocacy (OFRA)
Phone: (505) 222-9201
New Mexico Legal Aid
301 Gold Ave. SW
Phone: 833-545-4357
Intake Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Advocacy, Inc.
Albuquerque: 505-266-3166
Provides guardians ad litem for children in abuse and neglect cases in the 2nd Judicial District. Also provides low or no cost legal advocacy and support services.
Guardianship Legal Helpline
Statewide: 1-833-355-6944
Albuquerque: 505-217-1660 (leave message for callback)
ONLY for caregivers who are caring for children who are not their own (NOT for parents seeking custody; see Domestic Relations/Family Law)
The Guardianship Project/Advocacy Inc.
Uncontested guardianship only (parents agree) and relative or step parent adoption
Statewide: 866-257-5320
Phone: 505-266-3166
Pegasus Legal Services for Children
Phone: 505-244-1101
Civil legal needs of children and teenagers, including health care guardianship, emancipation, and special education.
American Civil Liberties Union
Albuquerque: 505-266-5915
City of Albuquerque Office of Civil Rights
Phone: 505-768-4595
Investigates complaints of discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and housing.
NM State Human Rights Bureau
Statewide: 800-566-9471
Phone: 505-827-6838
Investigates employee complaints of discrimination
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Phone: 800-669-4000
Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection
Statewide: 844-255-9210
Albuquerque: 505-717-3500
Better Business Bureau
Statewide: 800-873-2224
Albuquerque: 505-346-0110
United South Broadway Corp.
Predatory Lending Hotline
Albuquerque: 505-764-8867
Consumer Debt Workshops/Consumer Issues Workshops
State Bar of NM
Statewide: 800-876-6227
Albuquerque: 505-797-6094
Legal Services and Programs Committee
State Bar of NM
“When You’ve Been Sued to Collect A Debt” Video:
NM Public Defender Department
505 Marquette Ave. NW, Ste. 120
Main Number: 505-369-3600
Federal Public Defender (Federal cases only)
111 Lomas NW, Ste. 501
Phone: 505-346-2489
Disability Rights New Mexico (DRNM)
3916 Juan Tabo Blvd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Statewide: 800-432-4682
Albuquerque: 505-256-3100
Promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities
Independent Living Resource Center
Phone: 505-266-5022
NM Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Phone: 505-841-4519
ARC of New Mexico
Statewide: 800-358-6493
Albuquerque: 505-883-4630
Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center (AFAC)
Phone: 505-243-2333
Free, safe, confidential help for adult/child victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault.
Catholic Charities of Central NM
Phone: 505-724-4670
Limited to domestic violence in immigration setting.
NM Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Phone: 505-246-9240
Provides information and referral resources for domestic violence resources.
Domestic Violence Division, 2nd Judicial District Court
400 Lomas NW
2nd Floor, Room 274
Phone: 505-841-6737
Protective orders against family members or intimate partners due to domestic violence within the last 30 days.
Domestic Violence Page
Enlace Comunitario
Phone: 505-246-8972
Provides civil legal assistance to Spanish speaking victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Resource Center
Helpline: 505-248-3165
Main Office: 505-843-9123
24 Hour On-site Crisis Intervention; Domestic Violence Helpline; Legal Advocacy; Adult & Child Individual Counseling; Adult & Child Group Counseling; Parenting Classes; Safe Housing Referrals; Avon Empowerment Workshops; Case Management; Community Connections; Domestic Violence Education
New Mexico Victims’ Rights Project
Phone: 575-680-1988
The New Mexico Victims’ Rights Project is dedicated to providing education and enforcement of crime victims’ constitutional rights. The Project is available to assist all victims of violent crime.
NM Legal Aid Helpline
Phone: 1-877-974-3400
Legal information limited to victims of domestic violence/stalking/sexual assault
Safe to Be You! LGBTQ+Legal Access Project
Phone: 1-877-545-7270
Free civil legal services to LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and/or stalking.
S.A.F.E. House
Statewide: 800-773-3645
Albuquerque: 505-247-4219
Legal Resources for the Elderly
Statewide: 800-876-6657
Albuquerque: 505-797-6005
Free, statewide helpline for New Mexico residents age 55 and older
Senior Citizens’ Law Office
4317 Lead SE, Ste A
Phone: 505-265-2300
The Guardianship Project (Advocacy, Inc.)
Statewide: 866-257-5320
Phone: 505-266-3166
Provides services for relatives of the child or a step parent. The relationship between the biological parent and the child must have disintegrated.
Phone: 1-866-389-5636
Provides resources for grandparents
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (Outcomes, Inc.)
Phone: 505-243-2551
Legal Resources for the Elderly
Statewide: 800-876-6657
Albuquerque: 505-797-6005
Free, statewide helpline for New Mexico residents age 55 and older
Office of Guardianship Services-NM Developmental – Disabilities Planning Council
625 Silver Ave. SW, Ste 100
Albuquerque: 505-841-4519
ARC of New Mexico
Statewide: 800-358-6493
Albuquerque: 505-883-4630
The Guardianship Project (Advocacy, Inc.)
Statewide: 866-257-5320
Phone: 505-266-3166
Guardianship Legal Helpline
Statewide: 800-980-1165
Albuquerque: 505-217-1660 (leave message for callback)
ONLY for caregivers who are caring for children who are NOT their own children (NOT for parents seeking custody – see Domestic Relations/Family Law)
The Guardianship Project/Advocacy Inc.
Uncontested guardianship only (parents agree)
Statewide: 866-257-5320
Phone: 505-266-3166
Pegasus Legal Services for Children
Phone: 505-244-1101
Civil legal needs of children and teenagers, including health care guardianship, emancipation, and special education.
Phone: 1-800-525-6285
Phone: 1-800-493-1058
Trans Union
Phone: 1-855-681-3196
Albuquerque Police Department
Phone: 505-768-2030 (to file a report)
U.S. Secret Service
Phone: 505-248-5290
Phone: 505-889-1300
NM Attorney General’s Office
Toll Free: 1-844-255-9210
Phone: 505-717-3500
NM Securities Division
Toll Free: 1-800-704-5533
Phone: 505-476-4580
Federal Trade Commission
Phone: 1-877-382-4357 (to file a Complaint)
Catholic Charities of Central NM
2010 Bridge SW
Phone: 505-724-4662 or 505-724-4631
Low-cost immigration legal assistance to immigrants, U.S. citizens, and U.S. legal permanent residents and free immigration legal assistance to immigrant victims of domestic violence/sexual assault in determining/gaining immigration benefits (Do not assist with cases involving the immigration court in El Paso).
El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos
714 4th St. SW
Phone: 505-246-1627
Latino immigrant led organization that works with Latino immigrant communities and allies to defend, strengthen, and advance the rights of our community.
DACA Walk-In Workshops every Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m.
New Mexico Asian Family Center
115 Montclaire Drive SE
Phone: 505-717-2877
Linguistically and culturally sensitive counseling, case management, legal advocacy and system navigation for Asian immigrants.
Family Law Clinic on every first Thursday of the month from 1 to 5 p.m..
NM Immigrant Law Center
625 Silver Ave. SW, Ste 410
Phone: 505-247-1023
Serving the needs of immigrants in detention in New Mexico, providing legal assistance to low-income families facing separation due to deportation and finding pro bono representation for unmet legal needs for immigrants
Santa Fe Dreamers Project
Phone: 505-490-2789
Provides free legal services to immigrants to promote economic empowerment, community development, family unity, and liberation from detention.
New Mexico Legal Aid
301 Gold Ave. SW
Phone: 833-545-4357
Intake Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
New Mexico Landlord/Tenant Hotline
664 Alta Vista, Santa Fe
Phone: 505-930-5666
Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
All Faiths Family Services
Phone: 505-271-0329
APN Family Support Center
Phone: 505-328-4721
Evolution Group Inc
Phone: 505-242-6988
The Ranches
Toll-Free: 1-800-660-0289
Phone: 505-881-3363
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Phone: 505-877-7060
Native American Professional Parent Resources
Phone: 505-345-6289
Intervention and home visits
Phone: 505-212-7405
Family & Individual Counseling for children up to 18 years of age.
CSED – Child Support Enforcement Division
NM Only: 800-288-7207
Outside NM: 800-585-7631
Neutral Corner
Phone: 505-255-0007
Phone: 505-242-1414
Family Services for Children
Phone: 505-994-4931
Domestic Relations/Family Law
Child Support Enforcement Division
NM Only: 800-288-7207
Outside NM: 800-585-7631
NM Legal Aid
Phone: 505-243-7871
Catholic Charities – For adults and children
Phone (Albuquerque): 505-724-4670
Phone (Santa Fe): 505-424-9789
Senior Citizen/Elderly Programs
Provides legal advice and information as well as, referrals to attorneys or agencies by telephone to individuals age 55 and older.
Statewide: 800-876-6657
Albuquerque: 505-797-6005
Free legal services for Bernalillo County residents 60 and older in civil cases, including SSI, VA, and other government benefits issues, power of attorney, trusts, guardianship/conservatorship, grandparent adoptions, foreclosure, financial exploitation, landlord/tenant/public housing/Section 8, consumer matters, health-related issues and long-term care, estate planning, and probate.
4317 Lead SE, Ste A
Phone: 505-265-2300
Elder Abuse and Medical Fraud
Phone (Albuquerque): 505-717-3500
Residents of Bernalillo County
714 7th St. NW
Phone: 505-764-6400
Free transportation and friendly visiting to homebound seniors, respite care for caregivers. The Homecare Program offers light housekeeping, meal preparation, errands, personal care and companionship.
2010 Bridge Blvd. SW
Phone: 505-724-4659
Phone: 1-800-424-3410
Phone: 1-888-687-2277
Homeless Resources
Medical, dental and mental health clinics, children’s outreach and substance abuse recovery services.
Phone: 505-242-4644
Provides safe living options and services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Phone: 505-872-2099
Provides advice, referrals and brief services for civil, criminal, domestic relations and landlord/tenant matters. Refers parties to volunteer attorneys.
Operates at Noon Day, ABQ Rescue Mission, and Joy Junction
Phone: 505-243-4419
General homeless services; temporary and permanent. Refugees: Resettles refugees, homeless women and children, moves them into permanent housing, and takes referrals from homeless shelters to resettle people.
2010 Bridge Blvd. SW
Phone: 505-724-4670
Attorney Referral Programs
30-minute consultation with a private attorney for $35.00. This does not guarantee the attorney will take your case. Fees for representation will apply.
Statewide: 800-876-6227
Albuquerque: 505-797-6066
30-minute meeting with a private attorney for $50.00. This does not guarantee the attorney will take your case. Fees for representation will apply.
Phone: 505-243-2615
Possible solutions to communications problems between clients and lawyers.
Statewide: 800-876-6227
Albuquerque: 505-797-6000
Free quarterly Legal Clinics – January, March, June and September 2018. Consultations with volunteer attorney concerning family law, consumer rights, bankruptcy, landlord-tenant, foreclosure and employment. Other service providers available.
NM Veterans Memorial
1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
505-265-1711 ext. 34345
Free help line for residents of NM (55 and older) and monthly workshops for senior citizens (55 and older) at various locations around the state.
Statewide: 800-876-6657
Albuquerque: 505-797-6005
Court-Based Self Help Centers
Other Important Contacts
Info & Referrals on Human Services
Phone: 505-245-1735 or 211
Statewide: 800-524-5176
Albuquerque: 505-247-0192
Non-profit organization that works with parents, caregivers, educators, and other professionals to promote healthy, positive and caring experiences for families and children.
Statewide: 866-451- 2901
Santa Fe: 505-476-4799
Statewide: 800-432-2080
Statewide: 800-306-6262
Albuquerque: 505-841-9432
Statewide: 888-513-7958
Albuquerque: 505-841-8844
Consumer Hotline
Statewide: 844-255-9210
Albuquerque: 505-318-1050
Insurance complaints, Utilities complaints
Statewide Toll-free: 1-888-427-5772
Statewide: 800-876-6227
Albuquerque: 505-797-6000
Free general information publications on various areas of the law mailed free of charge.
Phone: 505-342-4141 (English and Spanish)
Volunteer attorneys answer legal questions each month. Please call for more information.
Phone: 505-277-2146
Phone: 505-277-0935
Voice: 505-383-6530
v/TTY: 505-383-6541
VP: 505-435-9319
Three (3) free legal questions per year