
The Second Judicial District Court’s Elder and Disability Initiative (“EDI”) is a program created to assist civil court judges with adult guardianship and conservatorship cases. These are cases where adults have been found to lack the capacity to make decisions necessary to protect and keep themselves safe, and a judge has appointed another person – a guardian and/or a conservator – to make crucial decisions for the incapacitated adult, also known as the protected person. Guardians make necessary healthcare, residential, and minor financial decisions, and conservators make financial decisions for incapacitated adults with more complex estates.

The EDI provides training for proposed guardians and conservators and acts on civil judges’ referrals, including completing the statutorily required ten-year reviews of each guardianship and/or conservatorship case and investigating concerns either of the judge or interested parties. The EDI also answers questions from guardians, conservators, representative payees, protected persons, and other interested parties such as family members.

The EDI staff attorneys do not provide legal representation or legal advice to any party to a guardianship and/or conservatorship proceeding, including proposed guardians and/or proposed conservators, guardians, conservators, representative payees, protected persons, or any other interested parties.

Contact Information

Tony Lucero, EDI Administrative Assistant II – (505) 841-5461 or albdtjl@nmcourts.gov

Wendy Lee Basgall, EDI Attorney – (505) 841-7410 or albdwlb@nmcourts.gov

Nataley I. Quintana, EDI Attorney – (505) 841-5474 or albdniq@nmcourts.gov

*It is always best to contact the Court by letter regarding any problems or concerns you have about your particular case. If you have general questions about guardianship or conservatorship, or if a Court Investigator has been appointed, please feel free to contact the EDI.